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Get Started with Thyme & Tell (1:30)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I create my Thyme & Tell account so I can capture my memories?

    There are a few ways you can do this:

    1. On your mobile device, visit and click on the link to download the app. Click “Install,” and follow the prompts. Once you’ve installed the app, go into it and create your password. Voilá, you’re ready to start creating.

    2. Instead of first visiting, you can go into the App Store and search for the Thyme & Tell app. From there, follow the instructions above.

    3. If you’ve been invited to participate in a project by email, accept the invitation on your mobile device and follow the prompts to install the app. Then create your password and you’re ready to begin.

  • How can I change my password?
    • When logged in on the app, go into Account on the bottom navigation bar. Make sure that you are not in a project or you will not see the bottom navigation bar. If you are in a project, click the back arrow on the upper left part of your screen. Once you are in Account, click on Password. Here you can change your password. 

    • When logged out of your account, navigate to the login page and click on “Forgot password?” After entering your email address, you will receive an email that will allow you to reset your password.

  • How can I start a new project?

    To start a new project, go into Projects on the bottom navigation bar. In the upper right corner, click +New. In the next screen, add a Project Title and Description. You can always edit these later. You can click on “Start Project,” or you can invite friends and family first by entering their email addresses into the Contributors field. Then click “Start Project.”

    You can always add more Contributors by returning to the project and clicking on the Settings gear icon in the upper right corner of your screen. There you will see the Contributors field. Add an email address, click on the +, and hit Save in the upper right. 

  • How do I title my projects?

    From within the Projects section of the app, click +New. Enter your title into the “Project Title” field.

    To change the title of an existing project, go into the project and click on the Settings gear icon in the upper right corner. You can now edit your title in the title field. Hit Save.

  • How can I create a new memory?

    To create a memory, click on the Memories icon at the bottom left of your screen. Then click on the + at the lower right. You will have the option of beginning to create your memory by: 

    • Uploading a picture, video, or audio file 
    • Speaking your memory by recording your voice, which will be transcribed into text
    • Writing your memory

    Give your memory a title and hit save.

  • How do I title my individual memories?

    When creating a new memory, you can write a title at the top of the blank screen either before or after you upload media.

    If you would like to edit the title of a memory you’ve previously created, first go into that memory. Click on the circle with three dots in the upper right corner and hit “Edit.” You can now change your title.

  • How can I create a new memory within a specific project?

    To add a new memory to a specific project, first go into the project. Click on the + at the lower right. This will give you two options:

    Choose from Memories

    Capture new Memory

    To create a new memory to add to your project, choose “Capture new Memory.” You will have the option of beginning to create your memory by: 

    • Uploading a picture, video, or audio file 
    • Speaking your memory by recording your voice, which will be transcribed into text
    • Writing your memory

    Give your memory a title and hit save.

  • What if I want to create a new memory, but not as part of any project?

    See question number 4: How do I create a new memory?

    If you are in the Memories section of the app rather than the Projects section, then the memory you create will not be within a project. You can add it to a project later on if you like, which is covered in question 6.

  • How can I add a memory that I have previously created in Thyme & Tell to a project?

    To add an already existing memory to a specific project, first go into the project. Click on the + at the lower right. This will give you two options:

    • Choose from Memories
    • Capture new Memory

    Click on “Choose from Memories.” This will take you to a list of your memories from which you can select the memory or memories you want to include in your project. To help you find the memory you are looking for, you can enter a keyword into the search bar or sort the memories. 

  • How can I find one of the memories I previously created?

    Go into the Memories section of the app. To find a specific memory, or a group of memories characterized by the same keyword–such as a person or place–enter the keyword into the search bar. You can also sort your memories, which is especially helpful if you can remember when you created what you are looking for.

  • What is a Tell Team?

    Each project has a Tell Team. The Tell Team consists of the project’s members, all of whom can contribute content and help write the story. The project owner can invite and remove Tell Team contributors from within a project by clicking on the settings gear icon in the upper right of the screen. 

    A Tell Team can consist of just one member, or hundreds.

  • How do I invite people to join my project’s Tell Team?

    To invite people to join your project’s Tell Team, first open the project. Then click on the settings gear icon in the upper right of the screen. You can invite friends and family by entering their email addresses into the Contributors field, clicking on the +, and hitting Save in the upper right. They will receive the invitation by email with a link to the project.

    You can always add more Contributors or remove them by returning to the project and going into settings.

  • How do I remove someone from my project’s Tell Team?

    To remove a project contributor, first open the project. Then click on the settings gear icon in the upper right of the screen. Find the contributor you would like to remove from the list and click on the ‘x’ icon to the right of their name. 

    Note that the memories they have created will not be deleted and will be retained in the project. Those memories can be removed by you as the project creator.

  • Who should I invite to join my project’s Tell Team?

    You should invite whomever you feel has a valuable point of view to contribute to the story of your project. 

    • If you want to compile the history of your family, then you may want to invite some or all of your relatives. 
    • If you want to capture an event such as a party or wedding, you will want to invite all of your guests. 
    • If you want to commemorate your honeymoon, then your Tell Team will be just the two of you. 
    • Or you can tell a personal story from your point of view alone.

  • What can I contribute to my story in the app?

    We all have a great variety of stories and memories that make up our lives. They are all suitable for Thyme & Tell. Any idea you have will work. Here are a few examples of how Thyme & Tell users have gotten so much out of using the app to capture, preserve, organize, and share their stories and memories:

    • Recounting childhood memories with siblings
    • Celebrating friendships with stories and pictures
    • Family recipes
    • Family genealogy, family tree, and family lore
    • Vacations with friends and family
    • Events, such as weddings and family reunions, in which all guests are part of the Tell Team

  • How can I edit or delete my contributions?

    Go into a memory, whether it is in a project or not, and click on the circle with three dots in the upper right corner. You have three options if you are the creator of the memory:

    1. “Edit memory.” You can now make changes. Don’t forget to hit “Save.”
    2. “Remove from project” the memory from within a project. This does not delete the memory from the app. You can still find it in your Memory feed.
    3. “Delete” the memory from your account completely.

  • What does the “polish” button do after I’ve contributed written text or voice-to-text?

    The “polish” button is your editing assistant. It reviews the words you’ve written or spoken and suggests corrections to grammar and fluency of voice. You do not have to use the polish feature if you prefer to keep your wording in its original state. In that case, just hit “save.” Once the app polishes your words, you can read over the polished version, edit it, and save your memory that way or discard the polished version and keep the original. You can always revisit a memory and polish it at a later date.

  • What if I prefer the version I originally contributed over the polished version?

    Once you accept the polished version of your contribution, you will not be able to return to the original version. Make sure to click “Discard” on the polish modal if you prefer your original contribution.

  • How can I output my Project as a pdf, which I can then print and share?

    To output your Project as a pdf digital book, click on the pdf icon, which is beside the settings gear icon at the upper right of your Project’s main page. A pdf book will be automatically generated, and an email will be sent to you with a link to your book. 

    Once you open your pdf book in your web browser, you can print it as well as download it to save it in your files. You can also forward the link to anyone you want to share your book with.

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